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Nespresso vs. Dolce Gusto – Different ways of understanding coffee

Our favourite!

Nespresso Vertuo Next

De'Longhi Nespresso Vertuo Next vs. De'Longhi Nespresso Inissia vs. De'Longhi Dolce Gusto Piccolo XS vs. De'Longhi Dolce Gusto Genio Plus

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Dimensions: 14 x 31.8 x 37.4 cm
Weight: 4 Kg
Tank: 1 liter
Pressure: 19 bars
Adjustable tray: Yes
Bluetooth and WiFi: Yes

Price & quality!

Dolce Gusto Genius Plus

De'Longhi Dolce Gusto Genio Plus vs. De'Longhi Nespresso Inissia vs. De'Longhi Dolce Gusto Piccolo XS vs. De'Longhi Nespresso Vertuo Next

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Dimensions: 27.6 x 26.6 x 13.6 cm
Weight: 2 Kg
Tank: 0.8 liters
Pressure: 15 bars
Adjustable tray: Yes
Bluetooth and WiFi: No

Who doesn’t like a good coffee in the morning? Or after eating? Or maybe having a snack? Is it just me? Do I have a problem with coffee?

Really, you have the problem if you are hesitating between choosing a Nespresso or Dolce Gusto coffee machine.

Actually, everything stays at home, since both brands belong to Nestle, which is in charge of directing everything from above. However, this detail is very important, since Nestle takes advantage of the fame of both companies to fill the market and thus offer coffees (yes, we know that these machines are capable of much more) to everyone’s liking.

However, if you are thinking of buying a coffee maker, you will need to know how they differ, what their strengths are and what kind of drink they offer. It’s your lucky day.

Below we bring you a comparison between Nespresso and Dolce Gusto and we include some of their most successful coffee makers.

Table of Contents

Nespresso vs. Dolce Gusto – Comparison Table

In the following comparative table you can find the main differences between the four best-selling coffee makers of each brand. This can also be useful so that you can see first-hand the differences between both brands.

(Slide the table to see all the content)

Nespresso Vertuo Next

De'Longhi Nespresso Vertuo Next vs. De'Longhi Nespresso Inissia vs. De'Longhi Dolce Gusto Piccolo XS vs. De'Longhi Dolce Gusto Genio Plus

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De’Longhi Nespresso Inissia

De'Longhi Nespresso Inissia vs. De'Longhi Dolce Gusto Piccolo XS vs. De'Longhi Dolce Gusto Genio Plus vs. De'Longhi Nespresso Vertuo Next

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Dolce Gusto Piccolo XS

De'Longhi Dolce Gusto Piccolo XS vs. De'Longhi Dolce Gusto Genio Plus vs. De'Longhi Nespresso Vertuo Next vs. De'Longhi Nespresso Inissia

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Dolce Gusto Genius Plus

De'Longhi Dolce Gusto Genio Plus vs. De'Longhi Nespresso Inissia vs. De'Longhi Dolce Gusto Piccolo XS vs. De'Longhi Nespresso Vertuo Next

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Weight 4kg 2.4 grams 2kg 2kg
Dimensions 14 x 31.8 x 37.4cm 23 x 32.1 x 12cm 11″ x 10.5″ x 5.5″ 11.2 x 27.3 x 28.8cm
Pressure 19 bars 19 bars 15 bars 15 bars
Cold and heat Yes Yes Yes Yes
Centrifuge technology Yes Not Not Not
Thermoblock system Not Not Yes Yes
Time required for optimal temperature 25 seconds 25 seconds 30 seconds 30 seconds
Auto power off Yes Yes Yes Yes
Descaling cycle Yes Yes Yes Yes
Water tank capacity 1 liter o.7 l o.8 l 0.8l
Used capsule tank capacity 10 eleven Not Not
different size capsules Yes Not Not Not
Adjustable tray Yes Not Yes Yes
Bluetooth Yes Not Not Not
Wifi Yes Not Not Not

Nespresso and Dolce Gusto: much more than a coffee maker

If you are thinking of a capsule coffee maker and you are indifferent to choosing between one brand or another, be careful!

So that you do not make a mistake and regret it in the future, we are going to discuss the main differences between Nespresso and Dolce Gusto.

Are you a classic coffee maker? Your next coffee maker is Nespresso

Dolce Gusto vs. Nespresso

Nespresso coffee machines are more focused on the coffee itself (this phrase may sound a bit redundant), offering a more intense flavored coffee and a wide range of coffee types so you can find the one that best suits your preferences.

Variety of capsules? Point for Dolce Gusto

If you are an unpredictable person, who starts the day with a latte and ends it with an iced tea, then we recommend that you opt for a Dolce Gusto. Although the coffee offer itself is not as wide as in Nespresso, in Dolce Gusto you will find a greater variety of drinks such as tea, chocolate, infusions…

The highest quality coffee? A secret, look at the pressure

That’s how it is. The pressure (measured in bars) refers to the water pressure and temperature that the ground coffee supports inside the capsule. That’s right where the magic happens and where our precious liquid comes from. The higher the pressure, the more intense the flavor is obtained and the properties of the coffee are better used.

Taking this into account, Nespresso coffee machines are ahead with 19 bars of pressure. Therefore, we can affirm that Nespresso coffee machines offer better quality coffee.

Don’t want to spend your salary on capsules? Choose Dolce Gusto

Ok, we may have been a bit over the top, but this is how we make sure the message is clear. As a general rule, Dolce Gusto capsules are cheaper, which in the long run can be noticeable in your pocket.

Comfort of use: again Nespresso

Nespresso vs. Dolce Gusto

It is true that using a capsule coffee maker is nothing special. In addition, despite the proliferation of brands and models, the system remains the same.

You have to fill the water tank, insert the capsule and put a glass or cup. Up to here we are doing well. Now, Nespresso coffee machines have a deposit for used capsules, while in Dolce Gusto it is not usually very common.

It may seem silly, but if you use the coffee maker daily you will appreciate not having to remove the used capsule over and over again. Empty the tank from time to time and that’s it.

Nespresso and Dolce Gusto: let your coffee machines speak

After analyzing the main differences between both brands, we believe that the time has come to see first-hand some of their most famous coffee makers.

De’Longhi Nespresso Vertuo Next: coffee maker on another level

Nespresso or Dolce Gusto

We start strong, since we bring you one of the best Nespresso coffee machines and possibly one of the most avant-garde on the market.

The Vertuo Next stands out for its 19 bars of pressure and centrifusion technology, which achieves optimum coffee of superior quality. You can also prepare cold drinks.

It only needs 25 seconds to be operational, so there will be no excuses to enjoy that morning coffee that recharges your batteries and if you’re running so fast that you forget to turn it off, don’t worry, it has an automatic shutdown.

Focusing on the tanks, it admits up to 10 used capsules and one liter in the water tank. This is for a reason, since the Vertuo Next is designed for large coffee shops. Therefore, it admits different sizes of capsules.

By the way, we couldn’t finish this brief review of the Vertuo Next without telling you what has caught our attention the most. It has bluetooth and Wi-Fi connection, which will allow you to prepare coffee while going up the elevator or save your settings to always have a perfect coffee.

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De’Longhi Nespresso Inissia: a sophisticated touch

Nespresso vs. Dolce Gusto

You can really like coffee, but you don’t need Wi-Fi or you like more classic and smaller coffees, the Nespresso Inissia is the best option.

The Nespresso Inissia maintains 19 bars of pressure, however it does not use centrifuge technology, which is important and you have to take it into account. Another feature of this coffee maker is its small size, which can be an advantage if you have a small kitchen. Do you have cold water? Of course.

However, turn it on and in 25 seconds you can enjoy a good coffee. The electricity bill is not enough to leave electrical appliances on, although fortunately the Nespresso Inissia has an automatic shutdown. We also write down the decalcification cycle, key to maintaining the proper functioning of the coffee maker. The accumulation of lime can end up affecting the flavor of the coffee itself or even rendering the coffee maker useless.

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De’Longhi Dolce Gusto Piccolo XS

Dolce Gusto vs. Nespresso

Let’s now analyze one of the best-selling Dolce Gusto coffee makers, which attracts attention for its avant-garde design.

As we have seen before, the pressure in the Piccolo XS is reduced to 15 bars.

It integrates the Thermoblock system, which helps to get a hot drink in the shortest possible time. Specifically, once you press the power button you will have to wait only 30 seconds to enjoy your favorite drink. Although, if you prefer, you can also choose cold water. It is at your disposal.

Of course, it has an automatic shutdown and a decalcification cycle that will help you keep the internal channels of the coffee maker in optimal condition.

Measuring the capacity of the tanks, we see how it has a water capacity of 0.8 liters. On the other hand, the Piccolo XS does not have a deposit to store the used capsules, which can be a bit tedious on a day-to-day basis.

Of course, one advantage that we see fit to mention is that the Picccolo XS has an adjustable tray to make the process more comfortable.

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De’Longhi Dolce Gusto Genio Plus

Dolce Gusto or Nespresso

It is time to present another of the best-selling Dolce Gusto coffee makers. Its style reminds us of the Piccolo XS, its design is slightly different.

Again, we refer to the pressure, in this case 15 bars. Possibility to choose between cold or hot water, which combines perfectly with the wide variety of capsules available.

Likewise, the Genio Plus uses the Thermoblock system to achieve rapid heating. This will allow you to have the coffee in your hands in just 30 seconds. We are therefore talking about a coffee maker designed for the fast-paced reality in which we live.

We continue with the same trend as in the previous coffee makers, presenting features that can be considered basic such as the automatic shutdown and the decalcification cycle.

The Genio Plus coffee maker has a 0.8-liter water tank.

It also has an adjustable tray, so you can decide which is the best position according to the drink you are going to prepare.

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Nespresso or Dolce Gusto: our opinion

After this extensive comparison in which we have analyzed each brand, as well as its main coffee makers, let’s say that it cannot be said openly that one is better than the other; rather the correct thing would be to say that they offer different things.

If you are a more classic coffee lover, then we invite you to discover the wonderful offer of Nespresso coffee machines. Coffee in its purest sense.

Instead, if you want to have a more versatile capsule coffee machine, in which you can prepare different types of drinks, you should take a look at Dolce Gusto.

The choice is in you!

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